Astrology Consultations
Astrology is a powerful system offering insights into every part of your life – career, finances, relationships, creativity, and more. Decoding your astrological chart yields both practical and profoundly inspiring information for making day-to-day choices as well as for your big-picture life plan.
Understanding Your Birth Chart
Your natal or ‘birth’ chart can be thought of as a map of your life and the ancient system of astrology provides ways to read that map. Through the symbolic language of the planets and their placement in relation to birth time and place, you can gain profound understanding of your unique gifts and challenges as well as access guidance to assist you on your soul’s journey.
Working With Planetary Energies
We can also look at the past, current and future movement of the planets in relations to your birth chart. Interpreting these shifting energies assists you in knowing when to step through the doorway of opportunity for the most helpful outcomes, or how to put current challenges into context, significantly reducing your stress and offering insight into working more productively with roadblocks that are naturally part of day-to-day life.
Your Consultation
During a consultation you may choose to focus on better understanding yourself through your birth chart, or on specific concerns and what to expect in the coming months. I am guided by you and whatever best serves your needs.
We meet on Zoom or by phone. (In-person by request.)
Your consultation recording is sent to you for future reference.
Birth information required: Day, Month, Year, Time, Place​​​​​
Channelled Readings
Channelling is a process of communication with non-physical consciousness, in my case with a group referring to themselves as a 'soul collective'. The process for me is much like translating from one language to another: I drop into a meditative state where there is open communication between this loving consciousness and myself. From this alignment of frequency they provide thoughts and messages which I then find words to express.
A personal reading consists of answers to your specific questions that offer guidance in any area of your life. The soul collective brings wisdom and perspective to assist you in connecting with your own true essence and soul purpose.
All sessions are booked through email. Contact me for availability or reach out if you have any questions.
Astrology Consultation
Single Consultation
Engage in a detailed exploration of your natal chart and past, present and future planetary energies, taking your specific interests and concerns in consideration. Review your gifts and challenges in this lifetime while revealing your soul’s purpose. 90 minutes $225 +HST
Deeper Dive Astrology Package
4 Consultations, 75 minutes each, $650 +HST
Gift Certificates available.
Recordings are provided for all sessions.
Astrology and Channeling Package
Scheduled in two separate sessions, combine a detailed review of your astrological chart with the wisdom and guidance offered by Zora, the soul collective I channel. Develop a deeper understanding of your gifts while gaining perspective on your larger purpose in this lifetime. Use that fresh awareness and clarity in any area of your life that is calling for greater attention or support.

Live Online via Zoom, 90 minutes + 45 minutes $295 +HST
Free Monthly Circles
Astrology, Intention & Energy Rebalancing
Our Circles offer insights into the key astrological themes of each month and support you to release blocks, set clear intentions and navigate current energies in ways that feel empowering.
I use Astrology to help you attune to what’s happening around you, increasing your capacity to meet challenges with confidence and make decisions that feel deeply satisfying for you.
My partner Sasha, a certified energy practitioner, uses those astrological cues as guidance to clear trapped emotions and blocking beliefs, reconnecting you to your most supportive frequencies.
Signup for Circles, resources & recordings:
Astrology Classes & Mentoring
Language of the Stars Classes
Fundamentals of Astrology. Details Here
Private Tutoring / Mentoring $50 / hour.